Community Steps Up to Save the Heart of Savary Island

June 4. 2018

News Release  |  North Vancouver, BC— The Nature Trust of British Columbia is delighted to announce that the “Heart of Savary” is protected.

The “Heart of Savary” is 350 acres in the centre of Savary Island, a northern Gulf Island between Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast. It features one of the best examples of coastal sand dunes in Canada and provides habitat for two at-risk plants: Grey Beach Peavine and Contorted-pod Evening-primrose.

Sixteen years ago The Nature Trust of BC acquired a 50% interest in this land with support from the provincial government. Now with the Friends of Savary DL 1375 and the Savary Island Land Trust (SILT), we have been able to acquire the remaining 50% interest. (Officially registered as District Lot 1375 and Lots 35 and 36.)

“Thanks to the Friends of Savary DL 1375, the Savary Island Land Trust and all the people who donated to make this project possible. We are overwhelmed by their generosity and enthusiasm for land conservation,” said Dr. Jasper Lament, CEO of The Nature Trust of BC. “Together we are creating a legacy for future generations.”

This “Heart of Savary” is also home to some old forest and second growth forest, and is the largest groundwater recharge area on the island.

“SILT is thrilled to see the Heart of Savary protected after more than 20 years of working towards this goal. We are grateful for the support of the Friends of Savary who made this opportunity possible, and to John Nichol and Dick Whittall whose donation in 2002 was pivotal to starting the process,” said Liz Webster, Executive Director of SILT. “As a small land trust, we are thankful for the many donors who contributed to this campaign. The incredible generosity is a testimony to how much people love this island.”

“Over 175 Savary Island residents donated $3.5 million and a land management endowment through the Friends of Savary and SILT to make this happen. It was truly a community effort,” said John O’Neill of the Friends of Savary DL 1375, a group of volunteers who led the negotiations to acquire the land for The Nature Trust of BC.

The Nature Trust of British Columbia is a leader in land conservation in the province. We conserve and care for BC’s most critical natural habitats for vulnerable wildlife and plants. Since 1971 we have protected more than 175,000 acres (71,000 hectares) with our partners.

See the press release on the BC Nature Trust website:


Liz Webster named to the Canada 150 Land Trust Honour Roll!

SILT's own Executive Director, Liz Webster, was named to the Canada 150 Land Trust Honor Roll!

Twenty British Columbians have been named to the Canada 150 Land Trust Honour Roll in celebration of the Land Trust Alliance of British Columbia’s 20th Anniversary. 

Liz was #7 on the Honour Roll:

"7. Liz Webster, Savary Island: Liz has been instrumental in community education and leading the Savary Island Land Trust to achieve significant success conserving land on Savary Island."

Congratulations and thank you, Liz! 

Read the full news release here:

Newsletters (Archives)

Summer 2016 Trail Network Threatened

Summer 2015 Savary Island developer Roger Sahlin files for bankruptcy in Washington state

Summer 2014 Natural History of Rodgers Wetland

Summer 2013 New Land Acquisitions

Summer 2012 Save the Trails

Summer 2011 Power to the People

Summer 2010 For the Love of Savary: Court Appeal Proceeds

Summer 2009 Land Trust Creates MacDougall Forest

Summer 2008 Paving Paradise?

Summer 2007 People pulled together to reach for a dream

Summer 2006 Improved tax benefits for donors of ecologically-sensitive land

Spring 2006 The Crown Perimeter: Savary's Living Edge

Summer 2005 Sensitive Ecosystems of Savary Island: A Natural History

Summer 2004 Erasing Boundaries: Gouin Family Donates $50,000 for Savary Island Lot Consolidation

Summer 2003 Savary's Living Edge (also: Protecting Savary's Groundwater)

Spring 2002 Our Dreams Have Come True!

Summer 2001 Savary Needs Protected Land

Latest News (Archives)

The SILT Board of Trustees is pleased to inform the Savary community about our latest land donation (April 2016)

The problem with Scotch Broom (April 2016)

Roger Sahlin, the owner of 50% undivided interest in DL 1375, filed for bankruptcy (May 22, 2015)

Hartland’s leadership helped shape Savary Island Land Trust Society (September 20, 2014)

Summer wrap-up (September 2012)

Update on the Johnson Forest Campaign (February 19, 2012)

Ministry of Transportation Approving Officer makes decision on the Preliminary Layout Approval (PLA) (February 14, 2012)

Proposed Subdivision Preliminary Layout Approval, Revised (January 30, 2012)

Savary Court Decision (April 7, 2010)

Saving Savary (March 12, 2011)

Directors defer comment on Savary Powell River Peak (March 9, 2011)

SILT letter to Powell River Regional District (March 7, 2011)

SILT letter to the Approving Officer  (March 3, 2011)

Subdivision application to go to BC Parks, South Coast Planning Section Head, Vicki Haberl (February 16, 2011)

DL1375 is on the BC Parks acquisition list (February 11, 2011)

Save DL1375 Petition Deadline Extended (October 29, 2010)

Save DL1375 Petition (October 29, 2010)

Parks and Greenspace Plan (September 24, 2010)

Our latest SILT newsletter which features DL 1375 (3MB PDF)

OCP Hearing Bylaw Update (May 25, 2010)

The letter from the Nature Trust of British Columbia regarding the May 23rd public hearing

OCP Hearing Bylaw Reminder (May 20, 2010)

Protecting DL1375 OCP Bylaw Hearing scheduled Sunday May 23 (May 18, 2010)

Chairman and Directors DL 1375 Bylaw Letter (the letter that SILT submitted to the OCP Bylaw Hearing)

Save the Dunes Appeal will Proceed (April 27, 2010)

Overwhelming Support Saves Dunes (April 22, 2010)

Earth Day Donation Reminder (April 22, 2010)

Celebrate Earth Day by making a donation to Save the Savary Dunes (April 21, 2010)

Last Savary Wilderness Subdivided by Court Judgement (April 15, 2010)